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28 Sep 2009

Dow Jones Newswires

Peru Locals Vote Against Southern Copper's Tia Maria

A number of local communities...voted against allowing Southern Copper Corp. [part of Grupo Mexico] to open a copper mine in southern Peru. The non-binding "consultation" was held in several communities in the area where Southern Copper plans to open the Tia Maria mine...more than 90% of 3,131 residents of the rural district of Cocachacra, in the state of Arequipa, voted against the mine project or the use of underground water for the project...Southern Copper is planning to begin construction in early 2010 on the project and to start producing in 2012. A company official said...that only about 30% of the total population of the areas voted, and that the results weren't that significant. The official said they expect the project to proceed normally.