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8 Jan 2020

Observatory of Mining Conflicts of Latin America-OCMAL

Peru: NGO analyse social conflicts generated by mining projects

[Excerpt translation from Spanish to English provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]

 "The unresolved agenda of social conflicts for 2020 | REPORT", 3 January 2020

...most of their conflicts are socio-environmental and arise around these [mining] projects...The social upheaval generated during 2019...against mining projects such as Tía María (Arequipa), Las Bambas (Apurímac) and Quellaveco (Moquegua) are part of the pending agenda for 2020... Rolando Luque Assistant for the Prevention of Social Conflicts and Governance of the Ombudsman's Office, explained that social conflicts around mining projects are the most complex...because they involve the interests of transnational companies and the population's distrust of the Government's decisions and efforts to mediate the dispute... [About] Tía María, Luque said that the conflict has not yet been defined by legal means ... [and] that a few days ago the Arequipa Regional Government presented a contentious-administrative process before the Judicial Branch against the ruling of the National Mining Council that gave the green light to the construction of the project ... In reference to the conflict in the mining corridor (Southern Roadway Corridor), on the access road to the Las Bambas mine, Mendonça estimated that the negotiation between the government and the communities for the payment of their lands [after the emergency decree that enables their acquisition] can generate a chain of conflicts due to the high income expectations of the population...in which Quellaveco has better conditions to solve the controversy...because unlike the other cases, the space for dialogue between the population, the government and the company was maintained... [refers to Southern Peru Copper Corporation (part of Grupo Mexico), Minerals and Metals Group (part of China Minmetals) and Anglo American].