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2 May 2015

Survival International

Peru: NGO reports that uncontacted indigenous children die after their land is “overrun” by oil & gas prospectors

“Epidemic kills recently-contacted tribe’s children”

A recently-contacted Amazon tribe has been struck down by an epidemic that has left several children dead, and infected dozens more.  Four children of the isolated Nanti tribe are confirmed dead, and reports indicate that the entire Nanti population could be infected. The disease was originally thought to be whooping-cough, but officials now believe it may be flu.  The Nanti live inside the Nahua-Nanti Territorial Reserve for uncontacted and isolated tribal peoples in south-east Peru.  Their land has been overrun by oil and gas prospectors since the development of the massive Camisea gas project in their territory…Hundreds of the region’s previously uncontacted Indians have already been wiped out by violence from outsiders who steal their land and resources, and by diseases like flu and measles to which they have no resistance.