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3 Mar 2020

Red Muqui (Peru)

Peru: Prosecutor determines that there is no case against leaders who oppose Rio Blanco mining project

[Excerpt translation from Spanish to Engish provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]

"Piura: No Complaint Against Ronderos' Leaders, Who Were Violently Intervened by the PNP" - February 27, 2020

...Yesterday, Wednesday, February 26, the provincial prosecutor of Sullana, Juan Ander Alvitez, ordered "the non-formalization or continuation of the investigation against Donar Acha Santos, Victor Acha Jimenez and Eswin Acha Santos for the alleged commission of the crime against freedom, under the modality of coercion, and against life, body and health, under the modality of aggressions against women or members of the family group in detriment of Elvia Majuan Moreto"... The complaint by Ms. Majuan Moreto, who also lives in the same community as the ronderos in Yanta, states that she was beaten by the ronderos' leaders because she had disagreements with them regarding the development of the Rio Blanco mining project [Rio Blanco Copper, part of Xiamen Zijin Tonguan Investment Development Corporation, part of Zijin Mining Group, Tongling Non-Ferrous Metals Group Holding Co. Ltd. and Xiamen C&D Cooperation Ltd.] The leaders are opposed to the mining project. However, the leaders were not at the alleged site of the alleged events: Sullana; but elsewhere.