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20 Nov 2017

Peru Support Group

Peru: United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review to address impacts by companies in local communities

“Universal Periodic Review - Peru session (8 November)” - 19 November 2017

… Peru’s human rights record was assessed by the Human Rights Council (HRC)…The total of recommendations made to Peru is 182, of which 69 were made by the various country representatives during the interactive dialogue. Peru’s delegation…presented Peru’s legislative and policy efforts to strengthen the human rights framework…as well as a commitment to develop a framework of protection for human rights defenders…The delegation's presentation described Peru's efforts to combat gender violence and human trafficking, including the National Plan against trafficking and the establishment of a national commission to combat forced labour…Business and Human rights: some countries mentioned the impact of extractive industries on local livelihoods (including infringement of Indigenous rights over their land) and on the environment, as well as the lack of measures to mitigate and remedy environmental impact. Some countries recommended the development of a national plan of action on business and human rights, in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles, and that Peru should sign up to the UN Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights…