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16 Apr 2019

Hans Thoolen

Philippines: Two women labour & indigenous rights defenders receive international awards

"Two women human rights defenders in the Philippines honored with international awards", 16 Apr 2019

Filipina human rights defender, Joanna Patricia Kintanar Cariño, has been named as this year’s recipient of Gwangju Prize for Human Rights. Cariño is the founding secretary general and the current advisory council of Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA), regional council member of the Cordillera Human Rights Alliance (CHRA) and chairperson of SELDA-North Luzon, an organization of former political prisoners... Cariño is among the 600 individuals listed in the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) so-called terror list... The Foundation recognize[d] Cariño’s track record as human rights defender...: “She has been illegally arrested, detained and harassed for being tireless and vigorous in the indigenous people’s fight against militarization of their communities,” the Foundation said... Trade union worker France Castro was awarded the Arthur Svensson international Prize for Trade Union Rights... In its statement, the Svensson Foundation described Castro as a brave leader who defies threats and dangerous condition. “Despite threats and persecution, there are brave people fighting for democracy and human rights. The regime has particularly attacked unionists among teachers and journalists... Castro was also among those who were detained by the Talaingod police last November 2018...