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12 Feb 2014

DR.dk (Denmark)

Professor: Around 700 slaves in Denmark

The first ever Danish human trafficking trial not involving prostitution began in Helsingør this week, yet every day hundreds of people are living as slaves in Denmark [according to] Professor Kevin Bales of the Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation at the University of Hull in England...[He says] there are around 700 slaves in Denmark, while the global figure is between 20 and 30 million...According to Bales, slavery in Denmark and other western countries takes place behind the closed doors of factories, hotels, restaurants, brothels and private homes..."[P]art of the issue is that the data in this area is lacking. It’s difficult to determine the actual scope of these crimes,” said Bales...At the trial in Helsingør, three people are accused of keeping nine Romanians imprisoned in a garage in North Zealand for six years and forcing them to work as cleaners for up to 20 hours a day...Andreassen believes there is a clear trend in Denmark of Romanians and other Eastern Europeans coming to Denmark and being met by compatriots who actually take them prisoner.