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25 Oct 2015

Miriti Murungi, Fusion

Protesters to urge FC Barcelona members to reject Qatar Airways sponsorship for implementing discriminatory practices

"Protesters to urge FC Barcelona members to reject Qatar Airways sponsorship", 23 October 2015

This weekend, airline cabin crew members will be organizing outside of the FC Barcelona members’ meeting, in Barcelona, to ask club members to stand by the club’s ideals and reject further sponsorship by Qatar Airways. Back in June, the International Labor Organization (ILO), a United Nations agency, found Qatar guilty of allowing state-owned Qatar Airways to institute discriminatory practices against its female employees. The case was brought before the ILO by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF). They alleged that Qatar violated ILO conventions by having policies for terminating women who are pregnant, and prohibiting women from being dropped off or picked up from work while accompanied by any man who isn’t her husband, father or brother, among other allegations. According to the ITF, the violating clauses governing pregnancies have since been removed from employee contracts, but there is no evidence suggesting the practice has stopped...