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18 Jan 2015

The Peninsula

Qatar: Free internet connection for 10,000 migrant workers soon

"Free Net connection for 10,000 workers soon", 14 Jan 2015

At least 10,000 migrant workers are likely to get free Internet with the first phase of implementation of ‘Better Connections Programme’ of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ictQatar).

The ministry, with the help of other stakeholders, is expected to set up 25 computer rooms at labour compounds across Qatar in the next three to six months.

These rooms will be equipped with computers, Internet and other supporting infrastructure, where the workers will be able to use these devices to get information and communicate with their friends and family members.

The programme has evoked positive response from employers and charity organisations.

The ministry yesterday signed a number of Memoranda of Understandings (MoUs) with five employers and the Sheikh Thani bin Abdullah Al Thani Humanitarian Services (RAF), the Reach Out to Asia (ROTA) and Microsoft Qatar.

The employers will set up rooms and Microsoft Qatar will provide the software, while charity organisations will help in training and provide other kind of required support. The contractors who signed MoUs include HBK Contracting, Bin Omran Trading & Contracting, Joannou & Paraskevaides, Larsen & Toubro (L&T) and the China Harbour Engineering. They will set up a total of 25 computer rooms at their sites...