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1 Jul 2020

Migrant Rights

Qatar: NGO issues recommendations to improve access to justice for migrant workers

"Qatar sets up a new office to implement rulings in labour cases," 30 Jun 2020

A new office to implement the rulings in labour cases has been established in Qatar, jointly by the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs (MADLSA) and the Supreme Judiciary Council (SJC)...

Access to justice in Qatar has many barriers, and the workers who manage to file a case and see it through to a final judgement are just a small minority... some of the other barriers to justice remain unaddressed...

MR recommends that Qatar should:

  1. Allow more space for independent civil society...
  2. Permit legal aid centres, and encouraging local firms to provide pro-bono services...
  3. Ensure complaints centres are better resourced, with language skill given priority.
  4. Immediately open the long-promised shelters for workers in distress.
  5. Proactively investigate cases of non-payment, wage theft and other abuses...
  6. Allow for class-action suits