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1 Aug 2006

China Labor Watch

Report on Labor Unrest at the Merton Plastics and Electronics Factory [China]

Police have arrested 7 employees of the Merton Plastics and Electronics Factory in Dongguan, and detained 6 others on administrative charges, while the life of injured worker Guo Xiangfeng remains in jeopardy. An investigation by China Labor Watch, confirmed by a document from the Dongguan Public Security Bureau, has revealed that workers were protesting low wages, poor food and sub-standard living conditions. The document in question, an open letter to all employees of the factory from the Dongcheng Branch of the Dongguan City Public Security Bureau, issued on July 26, is appended to this report...The open letter provides incontrovertible proof that the protests were prompted by poor living and working conditions, and their purpose was to demand improvements from factory owners...The Executive Director of China Labor Watch, Li Qiang, believes that, "The results of the investigation by McDonald's and Mattel do not correspond with the facts, and consequently they too must be held responsible. We hope these two companies will work with Merton to uncover the truth." Li Qiang said...