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4 May 2019

Cindy Co, Channel News Asia

Singapore: Concerns about delivery time & safety for food delivery riders with disabilities surface

"Worries about delivery time, safety for food delivery riders with disabilities", 4 May 2019

As a food delivery rider, Ms Juni Syafiqa Jumat...worry about delivery timing and customer satisfaction was common among riders with disabilities CNA interviewed.

...Deliveroo rider Saire Adnan, who is an amputee...[he hopes that the company can "give (him) extra time, especially when it's raining".

...Foodpanda managing director Luc Andreani said that it conducts interviews with potential riders with disabilities to ensure that they will be able to carry out their tasks....

"We've implemented an additional onboarding process for our riders with disabilities, to ensure that they are aware of safety measures and precautions when they are on shift," he added.

...Deliveroo said that it provides its own road safety education and conducts Safe Riding Programmes for all riders in conjunction with the Land Transport Authority.

In addition, GrabFood is looking into several new measures aimed at easing the burden on riders with disabilities, such as assigning riders to jobs with shorter distances and wheelchair-friendly locations, and to indicate their disability on the app for merchants and customers.​​​​​​​

...All three companies said that disabilities did not factor into whether they would partner up with a particular rider.

For Deliveroo, as long as the rider has the appropriate licence for their vehicle, and possesses a working smartphone, they would be open to working with the rider.

Similarly, GrabFood said that they do not see any significant differences in service quality standards between GrabFood riders with and without physical disabilities.

A spokesperson said that GrabFood would hire all riders as long as they pass a mandatory training process, which is usually done online.