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24 Feb 2020

Sunday Times (South Africa)

So. Africa: Customer safety concerns raised as manufacturer recalls ‘unfit for human consumption’ products

‘Manufacturer recalls 'unfit for consumption' 400g tins of Pilchards’ 23 February 2020     

Customers who have recently purchased canned Pilchards in Tomato Sauce in 400g tins under the Shoprite, Checkers and OK house brands have been urged to return them for a refund. West Point Processors, which supplies the house brand products, announced a recall on Saturday, citing a “canning deficiency” that may make the product “unfit for human consumption”. “Because consumer safety is our top priority, we wish to recall some Pilchards in Tomato Sauce products,” the company said in a statement.

…“There is a small possibility that some tins may have a canning deficiency which could make the product unfit for consumption. We are working to identify the issue and ensure that our product meets the high standard our consumers rightly expect from us.” Most of the stock that may contain deficient cans has been isolated in the manufacturer’s factory, in retail distribution centres across the country and removed from sale in stores. However, it is possible that consumers may recently have purchased an affected tin. The affected brands are Cape Point and Saldanha as well as Shoprite Ritebrand, Checkers Housebrand, U-brand and OK Housebrand.