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14 Aug 2015

Virgin Active

So. Africa: Virgin Active statement

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'Updated media statement re: Old Eds incident', 14 Aug 2015: We have taken the highly publicised events at Old Eds Virgin Active health club…extremely seriously. We have…investigated the decisions we took, and the reasons behind them, which ultimately led to a member, Mr Desai, being informed that he could not enter the gym wearing a particular T-shirt…[W]e took…decisions in a very difficult, complex, fast evolving and volatile situation…with the best intent in terms of balancing the well-being of all our club members with the critical value of freedom of speech. We ultimately conclude that the decision…on balance, was wrong. [Mr Desai]…is entitled to wear that T-shirt, and any other legal item of clothing, at our health clubs. We regret the incident and have learnt a lot from it. We are reviewing our procedures…to find more appropriate ways to manage…tensions which might arise…We apologise to Mr. Desai for denying him entry to the health club on these grounds.