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19 Oct 2018

Greenpeace, FIDH, OECD Watch & SOMO

Statement on enforcement of UN binding treaty on business & human rights

Greenpeace, FIDH, OECD Watch and SOMO welcome the release of the Zero Draft and the Draft Optional Protocol...

The absence of direct corporate obligations in the Zero Draft limits the modes of enforcement contemplated in that instrument and its optional protocol...If direct corporate obligations are resuscitated in the final draft or a later protocol, an individual complaints mechanism addressing corporations directly and/or an international tribunal for business and human rights would be a significant step in the right direction...

we argue that one of the State’s obligations should be to put into place mandatory human rights due diligence legislation that includes a cause of action, including a private right of action...

Effective enforcement is the ultimate litmus test for any human rights treaty...If this treaty does not work for victims, it fails to serve its primary purpose.