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3 Sep 2013

Khalid Abdelaziz, Reuters

Sudan lifts threat to block South Sudan oil, foes vow to mend ties

Sudan lifted a threat to block oil exports from its old enemy South Sudan...and promised to end their festering conflicts. The countries have fought over disputed territory and accused each other of fuelling rebellions in their territories since the South declared independence from Sudan in 2011...South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir and his Sudanese counterpart Omar Hassan al-Bashir held a one-day summit in Khartoum...[and] said they would honour all the bilateral agreements they had already signed...Sudan had earlier this year threatened to stop the landlocked South shipping oil through its territory by Friday unless Juba cut ties with rebels operating across their almost 2,000-kilometre-long shared border...Both countries have signed several agreements over recent years to overcome their disputes, but the pacts have been undermined by deep mutual distrust.