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20 Dec 2013

Amrita Nair-Ghaswalla, Hindu (India)

Taj Hotels ‘disappointed’ at UK court verdict

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[A victim of] the Mumbai terror attacks has won the right to have his case heard in the UK…Will Pike…is taking legal action against the Indian Hotels Company Ltd (IHCL), part of the Tata Group...Pike’s lawyer…maintained that the case should be heard in the UK, where Pike lives and where…IHCL has a substantial business presence…IHCL noted in a statement: “The IHCL, the owner of The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai, is disappointed that the English High Court has accepted jurisdiction...The acceptance of jurisdiction…was made without any detailed consideration of the merits of the claim; it was a purely procedural decision…”…A Taj spokesperson added: “We do not consider it appropriate to make any further comment at this time.”…