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19 Jun 2020


Teleperformance responded

.. Teleperformance adheres to all the guidelines and recommendation issued by the Ministry of Health, as well as the rules published by the Brazilian Association of Teleservices (ABT). Health authorities and government agencies who inspected TP sites have confirmed that all legal and safety requirements are being match. The company medical team is monitoring and supporting all employees very closely in case they have any doubt or need anything... Below are some procedures that were performed at Teleperformance sites:... dispensers with alcohol gel in all the common areas and cafeterias and antibacterial soap in the bathrooms ... release all employees classified as a risk group ...common and operational spaces have signs indicating and ensuring social distancing... In all our sites we adopted for the daily cleaning the same procedure performed in hospitals: nebulization... temperature measurements are made for everyone who access our sites... Distribution of a mask to all our staff that enter our sites…