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23 May 2014

Compiled by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Background & commentaries on social & environmental impacts

The European Union (EU) and the United States of America (USA) are currently negotiating a trade agreement referred to as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)...The purpose of the agreement is to reduce regulatory barriers to trade, including by making the EU and US laws pertaining to health, safety, environment and financial security more compatible...Civil society in both in the EU and US have raised various concerns about the TTIP on the basis that it would compromise regulations which protect health, workers’ rights, consumer safety and the environment. Following a leaked document, environmental advocates have also cautioned about the impacts on climate change of the deal’s proposed energy provisions. Further concerns include undue business influence over the negotiations and future regulations as well as the lack of transparency surrounding the talks. Various civil society organizations are calling for public scrutiny into the negotiation process. Furthermore, organisations have also criticised the proposed dispute resolution mechanism, as it may allow companies to sue states if regulations negatively affect companies’ profits, even if the regulations protect public interests.