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18 Oct 2018


UN Treaty on Business & Human Rights "Zero Draft" Negotiations - Day 3

[Wednesday 17 October marked the thrid day of negotations for a proposed binding treaty on business and human rights.]

...Ecuadorian Ambassador to the UN in Geneva and Chair-Rapporteur of the Open Ended Intergovernmental Working Group (IGWG) Luis Gallegos...criticized the EU for what he considered an attempt to torpedo the process from the start...

Good discussions on Access to Justice, whilst the EU and member states remained silent in the room...

The reversal of the burden of proof as foreseen in Article 10.4 was in principle welcomed by most intervening delegates, however there was disagreement on whether this should be subject to domestic legislation as suggested in Draft Zero, or whether it should be more specified in the Treaty text, as Maddalena Neglia of FIDH had suggested...

The scope, the human rights covered and the recognition of direct obligations for companies, among the most discussed issues...