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15 Oct 2019

Las Bambas, MMG

Updated information on Las Bambas

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[Excerpt translation from Spanish to English provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]

10 October 2019

MMG Limited (MMG) reports that road access to the Las Bambas mine is currently interrupted by blockades on several sections of the national public highway located between Sayhua, approximately 50 kilometers from Las Bambas, and Velille, 250 kilometers from Las Bambas, in the province of Chumbivilcas, Cusco Region at Perú́...Logistics have been interrupted since September 22 due to communities seeking compensation for land and road use, declassification of the road as a national route, and its inclusion as part of the area of direct influence of Las Bambas, among other demands...Las Bambas maintains its concern for the social environment and its continued impact on its logistical operations. The exit logistics of the operation have been affected by road blockades for more than one hundred days, so far, this year.  These blockades include some in which many of the more than seventy communities located along the 450-kilometer road make demand that Las Bambas and the national government as well as regional protests in Arequipa against the Tia Maria project.  In addition to the significant impact on heavy traffic, these conditions are also affecting our employees, many of whom come from the local area, as well as local contractors and suppliers...Las Bambas is committed to continuing to work together with communities and local authorities to restore road access, seek sustainable solutions to persistent problems, and continue to participate in good faith in all dialogue processes while making strong investments in social development.

