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24 Jan 2014

John Marzulli, New York Daily News

UPS manager at Bronx office sexually attacked female security guard: Suit (USA)

The Bronx district attorney is investigating a female security guard’s claim that she was sexually assaulted by a UPS manager in his office...The lawsuit filed by...[a woman] who worked as a security for UPS..., accuses the delivery company and...[the] manager...of creating a hostile work environment...Bronx District Attorney...office confirmed it is investigating claims that...[she] was sexually attacked while on the job at a UPS service center in the Bronx...[The manager] claims a sexual act...was consensual...[The woman] works for a private security company that is subcontracted by UPS to provide guards at its facilities...UPS...[said] “We took the allegations seriously, it has been thoroughly investigated and we took action...We want to have a work environment free of harassment or any activity that is inappropriate.”