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8 Nov 2019

Andrew J. Hawkins, Verge (USA)

USA: Over 96,000 Uber drivers in New York City sue company for allegedly undercutting their earnings

"Uber is being sued by NYC drivers for allegedly undercutting their earnings", 6 Nov 2019

Uber drivers in New York City are suing the company for allegedly failing to repay taxes it deducted from their earnings. The suit was filed by the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, which is a vocal critic of Uber and the ride-hail industry.

The plaintiffs seek to represent a class of 96,000-plus Uber drivers in New York City who worked for the company from 2013-2017 and who did not opt out of arbitration. The lawsuit claims Uber deducted sales tax and the Black Car Fund surcharge from drivers during that time. The lawsuit is asking for all of that money back...

Created under a 1999 state law to cover injured drivers’ medical costs and lost wages, the Black Car Fund tacks a fee on to every Uber, Lyft, and traditional black car fare. Since 2013 that fee has been 2.5 percent...

This time around, though, the Taxi Workers Alliance says Uber wrongly shifted the cost of those taxes and surcharges to drivers, in addition to charging the service fee. A spokesperson for Uber declined to comment...