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29 May 2020

Tyler Sonnemaker, Business Insider

USA: State of Arizona files suit against Google for alleged violation of consumer fraud laws

"Arizona sues Google over claims it illegally collected location data from smartphone users even after they opted out," 27 May 2020

The lawsuit claims Google violated Arizona's consumer fraud laws by tracking users' locations even when they had disabled location tracking settings..."While Google users are led to believe they can opt-out of location tracking, the company exploits other avenues to invade personal privacy," Attorney General Mark Brnovich said.

...Arizona alleges that Google misleads users by making it "impractical if not impossible" to actually opt out of its data collection practices...[a spokesperson from Google said] "We have always built privacy features into our products and provided robust controls for location data. We look forward to setting the record straight."

Arizona is seeking to force Google to forfeit any profits it made as a result of the alleged surreptitious data collection, pay back consumers, and pay the state up to $10,000 in fines per violation.