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14 Jul 2011

Survival Intl.

Victory for Borneo tribe over oil palm Goliath

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A small group of Borneo hunter-gatherers have scored a major victory over a giant oil palm firm that was targeting their rainforest. Survival revealed last month that the Malaysian firm Shin Yang was clearing forest and planting oil palm in an area where members of the Penan tribe were due to be resettled, to make way for the Murum dam. Now the company has announced that it has halted work in the area ‘pending verification from the authorities’ that the land has been designated for the Penan. The Penan have made clear that they do not want to move to make way for the dam, but believe they have no choice. The area they chose to move to is part of their ancestral land, but neither the government nor Shin Yang consulted them about the destruction of their forest.