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10 Sep 2021

John Wanjohi, Mwakilishi (Kenya)

10,000 Kenyans headed to Saudi Arabia for work stranded & "harassed" in hotels as recruitment agencies fail to secure flights

"10,000 Kenyan jobseekers stranded in Nairobi as they wait to fly to Saudi Arabia for work," 9 Sep 2021

Nearly 10,000 Kenyans are reportedly stranded in Nairobi as they wait to fly to the Middle East for work.

They are part of the three groups of trainees who graduated from the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA), according to the Association of Skilled Migrant Agencies of Kenya (ASMAK).

ASMAK chairperson Francis Nduhiu told Nation that the agencies which act as intermediaries have failed to secure discounted tickets for them to fly to Saudi Arabia...

job seekers are being harassed in Nairobi hotels where agents are holding them.

... other Kenyan migrant workers whose contracts ran out in Saudi Arabia are yet to return home due to lack of discounted flights that have not been in operation since August. ASMAK is seeking intervention from the Labor Ministry.