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10 May 2022

US National Labor Relations Board

Americas: Biden administration renews agreements to protect Salvadoran, Honduran and Guatemalan migrants workers' labour rights

"National Labor Relations Board Inks Workplace Rights Partnerships with the Governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras", 10 May 2022

...The National Labor Relations Board today launched partnerships with the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to build collaborations with their embassies and consulates in the United States to ensure that immigrant workers can freely exercise their rights...

...Representatives of the three governments also signed letters of arrangement with the Department of Labor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

“Knowledge is power. When workers know their rights, they are empowered to advance themselves and their communities,” said General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo. “By exercising their rights, they may transform their workplaces to make them better, safer and more sustainable. This, in turn, strengthens our communities and our economy"...

“Hispanic communities contribute to the economies of both America and their countries of origin,” said the Ambassador from El Salvador Milena Mayorga. “That is why it is important to use a variety of resources to educate workers and employers about enforceable labor rights.”

“The Government of Guatemala looks forward to this partnership on ensuring that Guatemalan migrants in the U.S. work in a safe and healthy environment, are aware of their rights, and those are respected while in the U.S.  We hope...we can work together to foster positive and meaningful relationships between workers and employers..." said Guatemalan Ambassador Alfonso Quiñónez. 

“...The agreements that we sign today make this association operational, and have a clear focus on articulating efforts and aligning resources to promote respect for the rights of our migrant workers in this great country; it is fair and correct, and it means a well-deserved recognition of the effort and sacrifice of our workers...”, said Honduran Charge d’Affaires Javier Efraín Bu Soto...