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8 Nov 2018

ACODE (Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment), Uganda

An assessment of Uganda's legal and policy regimes on local content in the oil sector

"Local Content in Oil and Gas Sector: An Assessment of Uganda's Legal and Policy Regimes"

This policy brief assesses the legal and policy approaches so far adopted in ensuring the participation of Ugandans in the oil and gas sector. The brief assesses the standards set in the Oil and Gas Policy, 2008, the Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) Act, 2013 and Petroleum (Refining, Conversion, Transmission and Midstream Storage) Act, 2013 which are the major instruments governing the petroleum sector in Uganda. The brief also looks at standards and approaches adopted by other countries in Africa and major commercial institutions. The brief highlights the major gaps in the laws and policies and makes key recommendations to address the gaps.