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8 Dic 2020

Retail Gazette

Arcadia Group suppliers claim Deloitte not clear if and when they will receive payments owed for orders

“Arcadia suppliers left unsure on payments following administration”, 8 December 2020

Arcadia suppliers have reportedly been left in the dark on whether they will receive any money owed to them since the group collapsed into administration last week, affecting over 13,000 jobs.

Deloitte joint administrators Daniel Butters and Gavin Maher were drafted in on November 30 to manage the group, which owns Topshop, Burton, Dorothy Perkins and Evans among others.

One Arcadia supplier said they have had no communication from the group or administrators regarding payments...

A third Arcadia supplier said that they have been told by Deloitte not to deliver any orders, and are not to accept any new orders unless they are authorised by the administrators – but no information regarding payments has been released.

Deloitte told suppliers in a letter that if any orders placed by the company prior to their appointment have not yet been completed, these should not be delivered unless suppliers receive written confirmation from the company with approval from the joint administrators that the goods and services are still required.

Certain creditors have retention of title claim over goods in the company’s possession, the letter added...

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