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Respuesta de la empresa

17 Mar 2015

Coca-Cola response re sponsorship of Baku 2015

...In terms of the Baku Games, we are not providing financial support and are only making our products available.

As a business, we are committed to ensuring that people are treated with dignity and respect across the Coca-Cola system. Our Human Rights Policy and Supplier Guiding Principles make clear our global commitment to respect human rights in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights. The sale and marketing of product at the Baku Games does not rise to the level of due diligence suggested in your letter. The level of due diligence you outlined is more in keeping with the work we do within our own business and in our supply chain.

Should you learn of any human right concerns directly related to the Baku Games, the best course of action would be to work with the European Olympic Committee to resolve the matter.

We appreciate the opportunity to comment and would welcome a dialogue with your organizations to discuss further.

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