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10 May 2021

Argus Media

Colombia: Former Cerrejon’s workers block railway demanding the restoration of 223 dismissed employees

“Cerrejon’s coal railway blocked by former employees”, 06 May 2021

...The 150km Cerrejon coal rail line was blocked early on 5 May by around 200 former Cerrejon workers in the municipality of Albania. The blockade has prevented coal from arriving at Cerrejon's Puerto Bolivar port, the president of Colombia's largest coal union Sintracarbon, Igor Diaz, said. Cerrejon confirmed these reports to Argus…[F]ormer workers are also blocking the road that links the municipality of Barrancas with the Cerrejon mine, preventing workers from arriving at the site. Former workers have blocked the road that links the town of Albania with the mine...Diaz confirmed today that 223 workers were dismissed at the time. The blockades will continue until the workers have their jobs reinstated, Diaz said. Former employees are frustrated that Cerrejon cut their jobs citing "economic difficulties", while seaborne coal prices have risen sharply since last year as economies such as China have recovered from the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic, he said...