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14 Jul 2022


Digital rights defenders critique Meta’s first annual human rights report; incl. co. comment

"Facebook-owner Meta releases first human rights report", 14 July 2022

... Meta (META.O) released its first annual human rights report..., following years of accusations that it turned a blind eye to online abuses that fueled real-world violence in places like India and Myanmar.

The report, which covers due diligence performed in 2020 and 2021, includes a summary of a controversial human rights impact assessment of India that Meta commissioned law firm Foley Hoag to conduct.

In its summary, Meta said the law firm had noted the potential for "salient human rights risks" involving Meta's platforms, including "advocacy of hatred that incites hostility, discrimination, or violence."

The assessment, it added, did not probe "accusations of bias in content moderation."

Ratik Asokan, a representative from India Civil Watch International who participated in the assessment and later organized the joint letter, told Reuters the summary struck him as an attempt by Meta to "whitewash" the firm's findings.

Human Rights Watch researcher Deborah Brown likewise called the summary "selective" and said it "brings us no closer" to understanding the company's role in the spread of hate speech in India or commitments it will make to address the issue.

In its report, Meta said it was studying the India recommendations, but did not commit to implementing them as it did with other rights assessments.

Asked about the difference, Meta Human Rights Director Miranda Sissons pointed to United Nations guidelines cautioning against risks to "affected stakeholders, personnel or to legitimate requirements of commercial confidentiality."

"The format of the reporting can be influenced by a variety of factors, including security reasons," Sissons told Reuters.

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