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25 Jun 2014

Janjira Pongrai, The Nation (Thailand)

Egat's access to dam power in doubt

THE SUPREME Administrative Court has agreed to rule on a case involving the Xayaburi Dam, which is now being constructed in Laos. The case…will affect the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand's (Egat) contract to buy electricity from the Bt120-billion dam. If the contract is cancelled, there is a possibility the ongoing construction may come to a halt. The Egat, after all, is a major buyer of electricity from this dam project…Located on the Mekong River, the Xayaburi Dam has caused serious concern among people living downstream…"We will rule on this case because available evidence suggests relevant authorities have failed to adequately listen to the opinions of people and to comply with the Procedures for Notification, Prior Consultation and Agreement," court judge Suchat Mongkollertlop said…He also pointed to the need to provide adequate information to stakeholders and to assess impacts on the environment, public health and society…

Parte de las siguientes historias

Thailand: “Evidence suggests relevant authorities have failed to adequately listen to the opinions of people,” says judge regarding case on Xayaburi Dam in Laos

Xayaburi dam lawsuit (re Laos & Thailand)