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15 Dic 2015


Ghana: Local salt miners clash with Indian salt company over loss of livelihoods, lack of prior consultation

"Local salt miners clash with Indian salt company", 4 Dec. 2015

Five local salt miners at Adina in the Ketu South municipality...sustained various degrees of injury following a clash between the miners and workers of an Indian salt mining company, at the Keta Lagoon...The incident occurred when the Indian company, Kessington Salt Factory, began constructing a road which will pass through some of the salt ponds of the local miners... [which] would affect their sources of livelihood...They also claimed that the salt mining concession, which is in contention, had been given out to the Indian company without any consultation with the indigenes...The Chief Executive Officer of the Kessington Salt Factory, Mr Pascal Lamptey, said the Keta-Akatsi Diocese of the Catholic Church had been invited to amicably settle the differences between the local salt miners and the company.