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4 Jun 2018

India: High court stops water from river in Tamil Nadu being diverted to Coca-Cola & PepsiCo due to water shortages

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On November 21 2016, Indian High Court passed an order that water from the river Tamirabarani in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu to stop water being diverted to Coca-Cola and Pepsi producing plants in Gangaikondan due to the severe water shortages in the area. The court order came as the result of a public interest litigation filed by FEDCOT, a statewide consumer organization. Since then, several campaigns have been launched against Coca-Cola and PepsiCo for their mismanagement of groundwater resources, including a boycott of their products in hotels in Tamil Nadu.

*Sourced by RepRisk due diligence on ESG and business conduct risks, www.reprisk.com.