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18 Jun 2020

Racial Justice Investing

Investor statement of solidarity to address systemic racism & call to action

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We are long-term investors and financial service providers who commit to action and accountability to achieve racial equity... We recognize that the investor community has contributed to and benefited from racist systems and the entrenchment of white supremacy... We acknowledge the deep roots of structural racial inequity... We denounce the racist tactics and brutality deployed by law enforcement... We denounce the militarization of police and the anti-democratic response to protests... 

As a community of investors, we embrace and commit to the following 5 Calls to Action: 

  1. Commit to actively engage with, amplify, and include Black voices in investor spaces and company engagements, taking direction and guidance from their expertise and lived experience, including on issues related to criminalization... 

  2. Commit to embed a racial equity and justice lens into our own organizations...
  3. Commit to integrating racial justice into investment decision-makingand engagement strategies...
  4. Reinvest in communities...
  5. Use investor voice to advance anti-racist public policy.

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