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21 Jun 2021

Chandan Kumar Mandal, Kathmandu Post (Nepal)

Kuwait: Nepali workers at risk of losing jobs as govt. allows entry to vaccinated workers only

"Kuwait decision to let in only vaccinated foreigners may affect Nepali workers," 20 Jun 2021

“The Kuwaiti government’s decision to allow entry to foreign nationals has come as a welcome relief for Nepali workers who haven’t been able to visit the Gulf nation for the past several months,” said Sujeet Kumar Shrestha, general secretary of Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies (NAFEA), a grouping of agencies hiring and supplying Nepali migrant workers to foreign employers. “There is a growing shortage of workers in Kuwait so Nepali workers are also in demand.”

According to Shrestha, thousands of Nepali workers can get employment once Kuwait starts welcoming foreign workers.

However, there are still obstacles ahead—mainly the conditions set by the Kuwaiti government for incoming foreigners.

The Kuwaiti government’s Friday decision has allowed entry only to vaccinated expats. According to the decision, from August 1 onwards, vaccinated foreigners who still have valid residence permits will be allowed to enter Kuwait.