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27 Jul 2017

Civil Society Focal Group on Business and Human Rights in Mexico

Letter form Civil Society Organizations

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The Civil Society Focal Group on Business and Human Rights in Mexico hereby expresses its gratitude for the spaces for dialogue provided during the last two years for the development of the National Program on Business and Human Rights (NAP). After a thorough analysis of the process and the content of the last draft of the Plan, and considering the Focal Group has done numerous efforts for the NAP to comply with the needs and commitments of our country, we have decided that it is not possible for us to endorse the proposed instrument...Specifically on the matter of access to justice, the Mexican NAP does not integrate the recommendation, and conclusion of the Seminar, to implement the reform to the Ley de Amparo of 2013 which states that businesses can be named as responsible authorities when they commit human rights violations….[Also] companies are not urged to publicly condemn the attacks and intimidation to against these actors, as recommended by your Working Group in the report of the country visit…The draft text does not include strong guidelines for businesses with State participation or under its control, or in the public procurement…