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21 Feb 2022

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business urge businesses to undertake continuous & heightened due diligence

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"Update from MCRB", February 2022

A year after the coup, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business continues to do what it can to support businesses to operate responsibly in Myanmar. [...]


The PSC report incorporates many recommendations to companies on how to ensure their security arrangements respect human rights, including the first guidance in Myanmar on responsible use of closed-circuit TV (CCTV). [...] MCRB has compiled the analysis and commentary by business and NGOs on the January 2022 draft cybersecurity law, and will track this as closely as we can.

The lack of a rights-protecting legal framework for telecommunications, which we identified in our 2015 Sector-Wide Impact Assessment underlies Telenor’s decision to exit Myanmar.  Each company that decides to leave does so based on its particular circumstances, which may be commercial, operational, legal, or as a consequence of stakeholder pressure.  Those that opt to exit should do so responsibly: our co-founder, the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) recently blogged on what that means. Responsible Disengagement was the subject of a recent webinar with the OECD and Eurocham.

Similarly, companies – whether Myanmar or foreign - that continue to operate should do so responsibly. They should undertake continuous, heightened due diligence, taking into account the conflict which affects all of Myanmar, including its urban areas. [...]

Parte de las siguientes historias

Myanmar: Groups call on more companies allegedly linked to military to sever ties

Myanmar: Companies issue statements on their commitments to the respect for human rights, the rule of law, and democracy