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4 Dic 2020

Khitam Al Amir, Gulf News

Oman: Grace period for employers to alter migrant workers' status, incl. modifying wages & transfer between employers

"Oman employers get grace period to adjust expat worker status," 2 Dec 2020

...employers will be given a grace period to adjust the status of their expatriate workers from December 6 to January 6, 2021...

as part of the Sultanate’s efforts to regulate and organise the labour market...

The decision also allows amending and transferring the data of the non-Omani manpower from one activity to another in the same institution in line with the requirements of the issued work permits.

Modifying the wages of the non-Omani workforce according to the approved work contract will also be allowed.

The rule also allows the transfer of expat workers from one employer to another in accordance with the established regulations and procedures.