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28 Oct 2016


Oral statement by Women's International League for Peace and Freedom on Lessons learned and challenges to access to remedy

...We stress the importance of taking into account the gender dimensions of the issue,..“take into account gender issues and the particular needs of individuals or groups at heightened risk of vulnerability or marginalization.” We welcome this reference. Yesterday, Angelica Choc, Indigenous Q'eqchi leader from Guatemala, gave compelling examples of the type of obstacles faced. This is exactly why there must be specific attention so as to develop provisions in the Treaty for effective redress. To do this, we suggest, inter alia, drawing on the existing sources of analysis and recommendations on access to remedy and justice made by regional and international experts bodies, such as UN treaty bodies and UN Special Procedures, including the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, and the Special Rapporteur and Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. WILPF submits that it is necessary to ensure that the national context is taken into account and addressed; in particular, laws that prevent women from accessing justice, which could undermine the aims and objectives of the Treaty...