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23 May 2017


Peru: Civil Society submits report to the UN Human Rights Council about extraterritorial obligations of Chinese companies

“The Peruvian State breaches its duty to protect the human rights of individuals and communities negatively impacted by Chinese mining investments in Peru”

…Peru, as a target state of Chinese investments in mining, must prevent, investigate, punish and repair human rights harm related to these investment projects…In the labor field, several Chinese mining companies operating in Peru stand out because of their ignorance of fundamental rights at work. An example of this is the Chinese mining company Shougang, where low remunerative levels prevail, high levels of socio-labor conflict, as well as a long history of denunciations of bad anti-union practices and violation of the right of workers to collectively negotiate the improvement of their conditions of employment…In the case of the “Las Bambas”, mining project operated by MMG Limited, a subsidiary of China Minmetals, the State is frequently questioned because of its inability to safeguard the labor rights of mining project workers…Although several international human rights treaties to which Peru is a party recognize the right of all people to adequate housing and a healthy and protected environment, Perú fails to protect the rights against the, Chinese mining company Chinalco Peru SA, in charge of the mining project “Toromocho”, in which these rights are not being adequately guaranteed by the State…It has even been reported the case of a population of the city that was displaced that reported that personnel of Chinalco Peru S.A…The same that has also been object of repairs to pour acid waters in the lagoons of Huacrococha and Huascacocha… In the case of the “Rio Blanco” mining project by Xiamen Zijin Tongguan Investment Development Corporation, the project has been stopped by the opposition of the peasant communities of Ayabaca and Huancabamba Segunda and Cajas y Yana in Piura…[See previous MMG company statement in November 2016]

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