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25 Sep 2017

Adelle Chua, HRD Asia

Philippines: Unilever PH employees get 150 days of paid maternity leave

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"Unilever PH employees get 150 days maternity leave", 19 September 2017

Female employees of the Philippine unit of ...Unilever can go on maternity leave of up to 150 days as part of the firm’s program to expand benefits to working women and families.

The company previously granted 120 days maternity leave to its workers.

“Part of the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan is improving the health and well-being of our people, and this policy is part of how we are putting that into practice,” said Benjie Yap, Unilever Philippines chairman and chief executive officer...

Unilever employees adopting children less than a year old will also be entitled to 120 days of adoption leave. 

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