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27 Abr 2021

Deutscher Fußball-Bund (German Football Association)

German FA sets out human rights policy & commitments

Matthew Gibson via Canva

"DFB adopts human rights policy and position on Qatar," 23 Apr 2021

Presidential Board of the German Football Association (DFB) adopted the DFB Human Rights Policy and the "DFB Position on the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar”…

the DFB explains its appraisal of the process that led to Qatar being awarded the 2022 FIFA World Cup hosting rights. German football's governing body is convinced that sport can build bridges across political, religious, and cultural boundaries and create the basis for improvement…

The human rights policy and the position paper were developed together with numerous stakeholders. These include sports organisations, non-governmental organisations, trade unions, the German government and fan organisations. The dialogue with these experts is to be continued as part of the ongoing effort to obtain and gather points of view and to develop common ideas and approaches.

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