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Respuesta de la empresa

22 Jun 2020

Louis Dreyfus Company

Response by Louis Dreyfus Company

[full response attached]

Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) was disappointed to read the Public Eye report published on June 15, 2020, which does not state the sources, methodology, criteria or conclusions that contributed to its production, particularly as they apply to LDC. 

We received Public Eye at our farms in Brazil, and voluntarily made ourselves available to answer their questions at length and in detail, also directing them to the dedicated reports we produce on our sustainability performance in Juice. 

We regret that Public Eye’s report did not include any of this information in their report, as we consider that transparency should be upheld by all parties involved...

LDC continually strives to go beyond current labor regulations to ensure our employees - permanent and seasonal alike - work in a safe and healthy environment, and are offered fair and supportive employment benefits. 

While complying with all applicable labor standards and laws in the country, including Brazilian legal minimum wage, we strive to go beyond these in our own policies and codes of conduct. We also strive to set pay above minimum levels, with discretionary bonuses linked to performance and safety targets. 

We also offer various benefits in addition to wages...

We work continually with our suppliers to enforce compliance through meetings and a systematic requirement to sign the Code of Conduct when contracting new suppliers...

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