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3 Mar 2014

compiled by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

RightsCon conference on human rights in information & communications tech sectors - 2014

RightsCon, a conference organised by the NGO Access, is being held 3-5 March 2014 in San Francisco, USA...Access "took submissions under the following...themes: Measuring and preventing risk in the ICT sector; Tech solutions for human rights challenges; Innovations in digital rights; Internet governance reform; Restoring rights in the age of surveillance" This page covers: - How to follow what's happening at RightsCon - Briefing on ICT firms & human rights - Key sessions on business & human rights - Media coverage & commentary [refers to Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Evernote, Renesys, Tumblr, TeliaSonera, Yahoo, RSA, Credo Mobile, Dropbox, AT&T, British Telecom (BT), Verizon, Huawei-Symantec (part of Huawei)]

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