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10 Sep 2021

Andy Hall

Statement to be attributed to Andy Hall, international migrant worker rights specialist, welcoming the modification of CBPs Finding to allow Top Glove Corporation Bhd (TG) to resume exporting gloves to the US

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10 September 2021


I consider today that there continue to be considerable and real challenges still remaining for and faced by workers in the operations of TG, including most importantly: (1) a continued failure by the company to remediate fully and effectively the past forced labour situation faced by tens of thousands of its workers; (2) the continued ineffectiveness of social dialogue in the workplace between workers and TG management; (3) serious concerns about occupational health safety at TGs production facilities including as concerns the effective diagnosis of potential occupational disease and the full and fair compensation of workplace accident and disease victims; and (4) the continue failure of the company to provide its workers a living wage for a normal working week without the need for workers to work excessive overtime, and alongside this the continued failure to ensure the implementation of fair and just incentive and bonus policies.

However, in light of the considerable improvements in foreign workers living and working conditions at TG over the past three years, during which I have focused on mapping conditions at the company and across the Malaysian gloves industry as a whole, it is also important to acknowledge the positive effort of TGs management, investors and buyers together to considerably improve work and living conditions for TG’s workers.

As such, I can say today that I now welcome the modification of CBPs Finding to allow Top Glove Corporation Bhd (TG) to resume exporting to the US. It is the right decision by CBP for Top Glove and it’s workers.

I also welcome and admire TGs innovative and important commitment to ESG leadership in Malaysia and remain ready and willing to support the company, and the industry as a whole, as a critical friend.


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