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10 Mar 2023

Silas Nkala, News Day (Zimbabwe)

Zimbabwe: Chinese quarry mining firm alleged to be violating workers’ rights taken to Labour Ministry

‘Workers drag Chinese miner to labour Ministry’ 6 March 2023

CHINESE quarry mining firm, Haulin Mining Private Limited, has been dragged to the Ministry of Labour for allegedly violating its workers’ labour rights. Hualin was given the nod to set up a quarry mine in Bulawayo’s Pumula North suburb in 2021, but the area’s residents have claimed they were not consulted about the venture. They have complained that the mining operations were causing dust and noise pollution. It has also been alleged that the workers are being underpaid and working under trying conditions leading to the workers, represented by the Professionals and General Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe (PGMWUZ), dragging the company to the Labour Court.

“The claimant is aware of the fact that the matter in dispute is at the conciliation stage whereby there are no strict rules that apply,” PGMWUZ submitted in their application. “Claimant’s officer visited Haulin Mine on three occasions with the intention of meeting workers. However, he was denied access to the workers by management of the respondent. This is the matter that claimants brought before this honourable tribunal for conciliation. Claimant, therefore, submits that the matter be taken through the normal conciliation process.” PGMWUZ president, Abraham Kavalanjila told Southern Eye that several attempts to engage the company management have been in vain.

… “The company has 32 workers and their complaints are that the company refuses trade union representatives’ access to the employees, thereby violating section 7 sub-sections 2 of the Labour Act. The workers need the Union to assist them and the employer is refusing us access.” In response to the union’s application, Haulin Quarry Mine confirmed receiving notification from the Ministry of Labour for a possible hearing. “The company, however, notes with concern that PGMWUZ did not state its grievance or the reason why respondent is being called for a hearing. The reasonable thing is for the union to state its grievances with Haulin Mine,” the company submitted.