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28 Avr 2014


Clashes as anti-nuclear protests hit Taiwan

Police have clashed with protesters demanding construction on Taiwan's fourth nuclear plant be stopped. Police used water cannon…to disperse thousands of demonstrators blocking a main traffic route in…Taipei. The governing Kuomintang Party agreed…to temporarily suspend work on two nuclear reactors but have so far refused to halt the project altogether. The move comes amid mounting public concern over nuclear safety…Taiwan relies on nuclear power for about 18% of its energy needs. The remaining three nuclear power plants would have to function longer if the fourth one does not start operations as planned, the economic ministry said…The fourth plant will be located in northern New Taipei City, the most populous city in Taiwan. Opponents of the fourth nuclear power plant say that it will dangerous given that Taiwan is located in an earthquake zone…BBC [reports]…Supporters, which include the governing Kuomintang Party, argue that the fourth plant will be much safer than Japan's Fukushima plant…