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1 Jul 2019

Stuff (NZ)

German politicians & Siemens CEO criticise Italy over arrest of migrant rescue ship captain

"German rescue ship captain held in Italy defended at home", 1 July 2019

Celebrities and politicians in Germany voiced support Sunday (Monday NZT) for the captain of a humanitarian rescue ship who was detained in Italy after defying the country's anti-migrant interior minister by taking 40 migrants into Italian waters and then to a port.

The 31-year-old captain, Carola Rackete, was arrested early Saturday after her ship, the Sea-Watch 3, rammed an Italian police motorboat blocking its path to the dock at Italy's Lampedusa island...

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Sunday questioned whether the Italian border police boat should have blocked Sea-Watch 3's entry to the Lampedusa port Saturday, 17 days after it picked up the migrants off Libya.

"Italy is at the heart of the European Union, a founding state of the European Union," Steinmeier [said]...

The head of German engineering giant Siemens echoed calls for Rackete to be released.

"People who save lives shouldn't be arrested," Joe Kaeser said on Twitter. "People who kill, who sow and encourage hatred and suffering should be (arrested)." ...